Thursday, May 15, 2008

Egypt project

This is a project my oldest bent made.....

This is how this project evolved...

On my way back home from work ,I stopped at the stationary & bought them some art supplies. I like to get them huge construction paper it's pretty cheap & they get so excited when I bring it home.
My youngest did some magnificant scissors work on her peice as usual.
My oldest decided she needed to do a project.She has an atlas sticker book.Apparently she enjoyed the book so much she decided to cut out all the little flags that came with
She started by glueing all the little flags to the borders of the paper.
I asked her to pick a flag & do more on that country ....she decided to work on Egypt of course.....
She drew a larger flag & colored it & then we looked at some books I have & she decided to draw the sphinx .I printed some pharoenic images from the web .She colored,cut & glued those too.
She wanted a picture of a .....Sa2ia......I think it's called a water mill or something I have no idea.....but i couldn't find any .She tried to draw one ......
We're really so proud of her creation..masha Allah

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