Sunday, September 05, 2010

Farmers Market

One of the things that I really enjoy about being in the US is being able to visit the local farmers market and enjoying the bounty of the different vendors. When I moved to our new place in this really small college town I was pretty disappointed by the fairly small farmers market and vowed never to set foot there again.

Surprisingly I was introduced to this lady who attend the same graduate program as I do and sells Tie dyes at the Farmers Market. I made a mental note to go see her the next Saturday there because that is when I take the kids to the park. When I visited her that weekend I ended up buying 2 T-shirts for my girls as well as an onesy for their doll.

The neat part was that she introduced me to the chair of my department who was selling vegetables in the next booth. Now if you are from the US and reading this I guess it's hard to get my point but if you are from my culture or from a similar culture (middle-eastern, Arab) you will understand my point.

Professors in my country do not sell vegetables or do garage sales like what I have seen from my American professors so far. I do not want to generalize but my experience with that breed was seldom positive. They have so many issues and complexities that it is very hard to have a normal respectful relationship with any of them.

Well that day got me thinking about my own skills and what I can possibly sell at the Farmers Market. My American friends have always loved my cooking and I was famous for my Zalabya or lo'mat elkady. I asked my friend and talked to some people and according to the laws I'm allowed to sell baked goods as long as they don't need refrigeration. What is so great is I talked to the only Muslim girl that I know here and she was equally excited about this as I was and she's helping me out with the setup and selling of our stuff.
So now I'm selling Middle Eastern sweets at our local farmers Market and something tells me it's going be so much fun and that the kids are going to enjoy it as much as I will.

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