Sunday, August 31, 2008

5 Point Star

We are in the process of making our own Ramadan Diorama with the kids...we needed a pattern to make paper stars ...I found a nice tutorial HERE & we had fun making some nice stars out of old magazines

Below is a diagram of the five steps to make the star.

Begin with a square sheet of paper and in the first step, fold it in half. Continue through the other steps. (The folds in steps 3 and 4 below can be done together before pressing hard. This helps to make the folds more even.)

After opening the star, there will be 10 creases. Press each of the 5 creases from the points to the center in the same direction and the other 5 creases the opposite. (The creases to the tips should all be in the same direction and the creases between the tips in the opposite direction. ) In other words, the direction of the creases should alternate going around the star.

These stars can be displayed in relief or displayed flat.

Here are some other variations:

& here's the one I made...& I have to apologize for the poor quality....

Peach & Berries Upside Down Cake

I finally solved the problem with my oven...& I used it today for my 1st cake in months...
To anyone that knows me ...making desserts is what I enjoy most...
I like to try new recipes with different flavours...

My DD helped me in preping this yummy cake..

Ingredients & How to cook:

3 cups Peaches,peeled ,stoned & cut into cubes
1/2 cup Grapes ,seeds removed
1/2 cup raisins

Mix all fruits together & add:

1/4 cup Honey
2 Tbs corn starch
1 tsp vanilla
dash of Cinnamon
dash of ground nutmeg

Bring to a simmering boil until fruit mixture thickens

Prepare the cake mixture:
1/2 cup Butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
beat them very well using mixer & then add:

4 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla

Add dry ingredients

1 1/2 cups Flour,sifted
1/2 cup rolled Oats
1 1/2 Tbs Baking Powder
Dash of salt

Put the fruit mixture into the pan

Pour the cake mixture over fruit mixture

Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes

Invert cake in serving dish

Slice cake in individual portions & spoon some of the hot bubbly fruit on top of the cake..yummy....


Beef Stir fry

This is really an easy ,quick dish that's prepared ahead of time.....

Can be served with rice,noodles or bread....

12 ounces top round steak, cut into thin strips

3 tablespoons starch

1/4 cup lite soy sauce

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tablespoon dark sesame oil

1 tablespoon hoisin sauce

1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper

4 small carrots, cut diagonally into 1/4-inch-thick slices

1 small red bell pepper, cut into thin strips

1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

2 onions, cut into wedges

Mix all ingredients together ,cover & put in fridge for at least 2 hours .Can be prepared the night before.

To prepare the dish:

Heat large roasting pan & add the beef mixture .

Once ot boils through ,reduce heat to lowest level possible....& let it cook for about 30 minutes.

Serve over white rice or noodles.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

عاطف الطيب

أحد أصدقائي أرسل لي هذه الأغنية الرائعة من فيلم "كتيبة الاعدام"واعاد لي ذكرى مشاهدة الفيلم للمرة الأولى...وحالة الدهشة و المتعة التي شعرت بها و شعر بها كل من شاهد الفيلم معي.....طبعا ده خلاني أدور على بقية أفلام المرحوم /عاطـــــــف الطيب ،المبدع

خصوصا فيلم البرئ

لأكتشف أثناء بحثي ان انا عمري ما شفت النهاية...و انها كانت متشالة من النسخة اللي شفتها على التلفزيون....طبعا ان انا شفت الفيلم ده كان معجزة لأن الفيلم لا يعرض على القنوات المصرية

أول فيديو هو من الأغنية من فيلم كتيبة الاعدام

حبيبتي من ضفايرها طل القمر
و بين شفايفها ندى الورد بات
ضحكتها بتهز الشجر و الحجر
و حنانها بيصحّي الحياة في النبات

حبيبتي بتعلّمني أحب الحياة
من حبي فيها حياتي شمس و ربيع
و الحب في الدنيا دي طوق النجاة
لولاه يضيع قلب المحب الوديع

يا حلوة يا بلدنا يا نيل سلسبيل
بحبك انتِ رفعنا راسنا لفوق
لو الزمن ليّل ما يرهبنا ليل
شوقنا في عروقنا يصحّي شمس الشروق

الحلوة قلب كبير يضم الولاد
و زاد و زوادة و ضِلة و سبيل
الموت و الاستشهاد عشانها ميلاد
و كلنا عشّاق ترابها النبيل

كلمات الشاعر الاستاذ / سيد حجاب
و تلحين عمار الشريعي
وغناء عمار الشريعي مع هدى عمار

الفيديو القادم هو أغنية فيلم البرئ

من تلحين و غناء .....عمار الشريعي

و دي هديتي لكل من يحب عاطف الطيب و أحمد زكي

آخر مشهد في فيلم البرئ

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My 1st Blogging Award!!!

Hurray i just recieved my 1st award the prestigious Arte Y Pico award from sister Lubna of Kitchen Flavours..

Thanks sister Lubna...

The rules of the award are:

1. Choose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and their contribution to the blogging community.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name of and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize has to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. Show these rules.

I take the honour to pass on this award to:

Jana of Hijab Style: a very attractive blog ...the sister puts so much effort in pics of hijab from around the world

Umm Layla of The Egyptian's Wife: Gives us all a chance to take a peak at her view of the world ...telling things in her own unique style

*~Ange~* of Hegab-rehab:with her beuatiful selections of muhajaba fashion

Mollychicken :I enjoy her crafty creations...

Melissa of Pink Paper Peppermint: she has such a visually inspiring blog...

I have to say that I admire the time & dedication you all put into your blogs ...sharing your individual creativity & uniqueness...

Allah's blessings & Peace for all of you!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

الحال العاشر

الحال العاشر
حوار سيدنا الخضر مع سيدنا موسى
(فإنطلقا حتی إذا ركبا فى السفینة خرقها ، قال أخرقتها لتُغرق أهلها ، لقد جئت شيئاً إمراً) 71 سورة الكهف

كُلنا نعرف هذه الأیات وما حدث مع سیدنا الخضر وسیدنا موسی.
قصة خرق السفينة وقتل الولد وبناء الجدار ...
فى هذه الأیات توجد شفرة مهمة جدا وهى : (قال إنك لن تستطیع معى صبراً) 67 سورة الكهف
حیث كانت تمنع سیدنا موسی من مجادلة سیدنا الخضر ... لماذا ؟

حدثت هذه القصة مع سیدنا موسی لأنه من بنی اسرائیل !!!!
وهم من أكثر الناس الذین یستطیعون أن یستخدموا العقل أو بالأحری الحجج والأسباب ...
أكید لولا هذه الشفرة لكان قال سیدنا موسی حتی بعد أن عرف الأسباب : لماذا تخرق السفینه وتُعذب الضعفاء ؟
الأحسن أن یموت الملك ویتحرر الناس من ظلم هذا الظالم ؟
لماذا أعطی الله هذا الطفل الطالح لهؤلاء الصالحین ومن ثم تقتله أنت كی لا یُعذبهم ؟
ولماذا أخذ الله الوالدین من هذان الطفلان ومن ثم جعل لهم كنز حتی یبنی علیه جداراً ؟

هذه قصصنا الیومیة ، كل یوم نواجه مثل هذه القصص ولا نعرف سببها ونتأمل الخیر فیها (عسی أن تكرهوا شیئا وهو خیر لكم).

إذن ما هو الحال الذى ترویه لنا هذه الأیات ؟

1- اذا واجهت مشاكل ومصائب إفعل أى شئ مُمكن ولا تنتظر معجزة من الله.
أحیانا الحل یكون بسیطا ولا یحتاج إلی تعقید كبیر ...
بمعنی أنه خَرق صغیر مُمكن أن یُزیل ظلم كبیر ...

2- لا تتصور إذا كنت مُؤمناً وصالحاً فإن الله لن یمتحنك فى أولادك أو أموالك !!!
بمعنی .. إذا كُنت صالحاً ومؤمناً فیُمكن أن یكون هناك أشخاص غیر مؤمنین فى نفس السُلالة
ولهذا یأتى طفل غیر صالح أو مُعاق حتی ینظف هذه السُلالة.
أكید الحكم علی الصلاح والطلاح لا یأتى من البشر ... لأن أحكامنا تتأثر بطریقه حیاتنا.
فسیدنا إبراهیم لم یكن خلف صالح لأبيه !!! هذا من وجهة نظر أبيه.
وكذلك مریم العذراء تحملت الكثیر من الذم والتأنیب لما حدث معها !!!

3- وكذلك یجب أن تعرف أن هناك أشیاء كثیره مثل الكواكب والمجرات والسُلالة التى تؤثر علی أولادنا.
بالرجوع لقصة سيدنا الخضر مع سيدنا موسى ...
لا توجد أى معلومة عن هذا الطفل الذى قُتل !! كیف كان ؟
(كنت أتمنی أن یبعث الله سیدنا الخضر لكل من هتلر ونابلیون وكل من یعمل علی الحرب والدمار).
كذلك الإنسان یتأثر بالكواكب ... یعنی لو كان كوكب المریخ فى السماء حین یولد الطفل سیكون هذا الطفل مُحاربا وعدوانیاً ...

4- نتعلم أیضا أنه إذا أصابنا مكروه فلا نفقد الأمل ...
أكید فى داخل كل شر .. هناك خیر موجود فیه ولكن لا نراه.
یعنى أنه مثل الكنز مدفون ویمكن أن تتعرف علیه بعد سنین.

5- هناك حكمة بین هذه الأیات ... وهى أن الله رحیم.
والرحمة أعلی من العدل ...
إذا أردت ان تكون عادلا فیجب أن تضع قوانین وشروط صارمة.
مثل قوانین المرور !!!
قف هنا وإنحدر من هنا وأبطئ هنا وأسرع هنا ...
واذا لم تُتبع القوانین تعُمَّ الفوضی .. لأنها قوانین عادلة تشمل الجمیع.

ولكن الرحمة موجودة حتی فى الفوضی ...
إرجع إلی خلایا جسمك إذا أحسست بألم فى أى مكان .. ماذا تفعل ؟
تضع یدك علی موضع الألم وتحسه أكثر من باقى الأیام ...
وهكذا بالنسبه لأى مكان یُوجد فیه شر .. فتجد ید الله فوق أیدیهم.
وهكذا يحدث التوازن ...

إن الله أعطی الإنسان الحریة والإرادة ووضع الرحمة ...
ورحمته سبقت عدله

منقول من بيت الشفاء

الله واحد

يالله لو تجمعنا كلنا تحت ظل الله ....اقرئوا معي

الله واحد ...
وحدها الأسماء تختلف.
فالماء الذى هو نفسه فى أى مكان فى العالم يسمّى عدة اسماء.
بالهندية (باني)، والبنغالية (جال)، إلخ ...
لكن العقل الهندى يُحاول أن يُبرهن للبنغالى بأن الماء هو بانى وليس جال والعكس صحيح.
وهذا ما فعلناه بإسم الدين.
فى معمل الفخار تجد أوانى مُختلفة بأشكال مختلفة : جرار ، صحون، مزاهر، أباريق الخ ...
ولكنها جميعا مصنوعة من مادة واحدة...
إختلفت الأشكال ... والجوهر واحد.

الإنسان اللامتدين ... هو أكثر الناس جدلا فى الدين وأقلهم ممارسة له.
أما الإنسان الحكيم الذى يرى بنور الله .. فحتى لو كانت حياته كلها تدين فإنه لا يتحدث عن الدين إلا نادرا ...

وكما يقول الحبيب (دع المِراء ولو كنت مُحقا).
(وما ضلَّ قوم بَعد هُدىً كانوا عليه إلا أوتوا الجدل).

منقول من بيت الشفاء

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A class of their own: The family with 11 children who turned to home schooling

And I thought dealing with 2 kids is hard.......!!!!!!!!
They are truelly amazing...what do you all think?

With 11 children in the house, Debbie and Steve Shepherd could be forgiven for packing their brood off to school each morning with a sigh of relief.

But as lessons start each morning, time off is the last thing on their mind.
For the Shepherds don't believe in school - at least in the conventional sense - and educate their children at home.

Mrs Shepherd, 43, who is eight months pregnant, said: "People are amazed when they discover not only that we have 11 children but that we educate them all at home.

"It's a set-up that works well for us. In many ways it's actually easier having 11 children than it was having just the first few, because they are good at entertaining one another."

They may escape school but the Shepherd children don't escape study. They have three hours of lessons each morning, with the afternoons left free for trips to the park, museums, libraries, or playing in the garden.

But their lifestyle will be the envy of the average school pupil - they never have homework and don't sit exams, as they are not legally required to take them.

The law says that it is a parent's responsibility to ensure their children receive an education suitable for their age, aptitude and ability at school "or otherwise".

"As long as the word 'otherwise' appears in that stipulation then parents are free to home-school their children," said Mr Shepherd, 44, a former computer specialist who was forced to give up his career in 1995 by a road accident which left him with spinal injuries.

He makes a living as a musician. Mrs Shepherd, who does not work, used to be a manager for Mothercare.

The couple teach their children at their seven-bedroom Victorian property in Grantham, Lincolnshire, using a recognised home-schooling curriculum, which includes maths and English. Other subjects are tailored to the children's interests.

Tom, 19, and Joe, 17, love music and sport, Rhiannon, 16, adores Jane Austen, while Jed, 12, is described by his parents as the genius of the bunch. The younger ones Ike, ten, Zac, nine, Charis, eight, Jim, six, Liberty, five, Talitha, three, and Nathanael, 19 months, are still finding their academic feet.

Although neither parent has formal teaching qualifications, they do get advice from a support group.

The Shepherds make extensive use of the internet and local libraries, and council officials monitor their lessons every six to 12 months.

None of the children will complete their schooling with a GCSE or an A-level to their name. But this doesn't seem to be holding them back.

Joe has been accepted on a one-year media course at Lincoln College. Rhiannon is applying for a distance journalism course.
Jed, who is already tackling a biology course to an A-level standard, has designs on being a vet. Tom, the eldest, who has just finished his home schooling, wants to be a pilot. Only he has ever set foot in a state school. It was Tom's experience as a four-year-old which led his parents to home schooling.

Within days he became withdrawn and another mother suggested that his parents teach him at home.

Durham University research says the number of home-educated children is 150,000 and rising. Within a decade, 3 per cent of those between five and 16 will be home-schooled, it is predicted.

Mr Shepherd said: "Part of the reason for wanting to teach our children at home is to give them a proper childhood where they don't feel the pressure to grow into mini-adults well before their time. And I disagree with the number of tests imposed on children as young as seven.

"I believe standards have fallen markedly over the years."

Mr Shepherd saved money while working as a computer consultant, easing the family's financial pressures but they still have a frugal existence. The weekly food bill is just £130. But the couple have no plans to stop adding to their family after their 12th child is born next month.

Rhiannon said: "I don't feel I've missed out by not going to school. I've had a brilliant education".

Saturday, August 23, 2008

beauty mask!!!

Today my cute as a button youngest DD saw me while having one of my rare moments of beauty.......with a yougurt & honey mask all over my face...she looked at me for a minute & with the cuteness of a 5 year old she said" mommy shouldn't you have 2 slices of cucumber on your eyes"
I just laughed ...I guess this is the picture she had in mind........

just had to share...apparently a beauty diva is on her way....

Now on another note ...some beauty recipes for puffy eyes:

  • Used Tea Bags (chilled or slightly warm–both work)
  • Potato Slices (thinly sliced)
  • Cucumber Slices (thinly sliced)
  • Apple Slices (thinly sliced)
  • Strawberries (mash then apply to the puffy area or you can make slices and apply)
  • Plain Yogurt (dab over puffy area)
  • Chilled teaspoons (rest directly on eye area for several minutes)
  • Cold Compress spritzed with witch hazel water*
  • Cold Compress spritzed with lavender water*

*For the witch hazel water or lavender water compress, first soak the compress in cool water, ring out then spritz with witch hazel water or lavender water–just a light, even spritz will do. Witch hazel water can be found at organic or health food stores, your local pharmacy may carry it too.

Tip: When using sliced food items, slice really thin then apply a couple layers over the puffy area. With thin slices, they’ll form to your face easier. Spritz or dab cool water over the skin first before applying food slices.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Our Lunch Today!!

Today i made a simple veggie soup accompanied by Koshari....with an Indian twist...

I got the recipe from sister yasmeen's "Health Nut" blog yo can find the original recipe with very good pics HERE

As I only have my web cam working i took a not so good pic...

It looks like regular Egyptian Kochari but the taste is great....
Here's the recipe

Lentil Rice(Khichdi) with Sesame Chutney

Lentil Rice(Khichdi)
Combining lentils with rice provides a wholesome meal. Mix some brown rice in white rice. Did you know that difference between brown and white rice is same as difference between whole wheat flour and all purpose?. While milling the brown rice in to white rice, most of the vitamins ,minerals and fiber are lost and so are many of the nutritive benefits of Rice. Buy some brown rice and mix with white rice while cooking rice.
Ingredients you'll need are:
1/4 cup yellow Moong Lentil
1 1/2 cups Rice
1/2 cup Brown Rice
1 small onion
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ginger garlic paste
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 green chillies
some mint leaves

To make the Khichdi:
Roast the lentil in a pan at medium flame until lightly brown.Wash rice and soak it along with roasted lentils for 15 minutes.
Heat EVOO in a skillet . Add chopped onions ,whole green chillies and cumin seeds. saute for a minute and add ginger garlic paste. Roast for a minute with turmeric. Drain the water from rice and lentil . Add in to the skillet and roast until rice turns pearly. Now add 2 cups of water and mint leaves. Cover and cook until all water is dry.Serve with Till(Sesame) Mint Chutney and Onion Omelet

Health nut Substitute
Using Green Whole Moong adds fiber for your recipe

Till Mint Chutney

Sesame seeds are full of nutrients . It has good source of manganese copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber. Sesame Seeds have a cholesterol-lowering effect and prevents high blood pressure . It also has been found to protect the liver from oxidative damage.

Ingredients you'll need are

1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup Mint leaves
1 teaspoon tamarind soaked in water
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 or more green chillies
1 table spoon EVOO

To make the chutney:
Roast the sesame seeds until lightly brown.
Blend all the ingredients together with roasted sesame seeds . Add 1/4 cup of water to make a smooth chutney.

Onion Omelet

What you'll need is
1 medium Onion finely chopped 2
large Organic Eggs
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon chilly powder
1 green chilly chopped
1 tablespoon Mint or Cilantro chopped
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil(EVOO)

To make Onion omelet:
Heat a non-stick pan on medium flame.Meanwhile mix all the spices with chopped Onions in medium bowl. Break eggs in to onion mixture and whisk for few seconds until you see tiny bubbles. Drizzle EVOO around the heated pan. Pour in the egg mixture. Let the eggs set before flipping that takes about 2 minutes. Flip and let cook for another minute before serving.

Serve the Chutney and Omelet with Khichdi

Yummy Food: Joy From Fasting To Feasting !!!

Ok I'm joining the celebrations........sisters Lubna & Yasmeen have a great idea " Yummy Food: Joy From Fasting To Feasting !!! "
I've posted details below...& will be writing more posts on Ramadan menues & cooking sha Allah

AsSalaam Alaykum,

With Ramadan soon approaching. Lubna of and Yasmeen have come up with this idea of celebrating Ramadan online.

Unlike any other event its going to be completely about sharing our recipes and thoughts about Ramadan. The main intention is to share our family recipes we usually cook in the month of Ramadan and also to share our experiences about this sacred month of Ramadan.

To participate in this Ramadan Celebration post any recipes you commonly make during Iftar or Sehr and post them in your blog for the entire month of Ramadan.

Use the Logo attached in support of the celebration. Its recommended you to write about how you celebrate this gifted month with your family or any memories of your childhood related to Ramadan.
Also link the other sister's blogs who are participating in this celebration. So that we are all connected in this celebration.For any questions or suggestions please write to me as early as possible.
Hope you all will join us in this celebration of the Holiest Month ! Logo for the event as an follows.
Feel free to use this logo for the recipe your are cooking specially for Ramadan.
If you are a non-muslim and non-blogger and have to write any thing on Ramadan or wanna share any recipe or just remember your muslim friends or know how people around you celebrate Ramadan, feel free to write down in your blog and link back the page to this blog.
Inshallah we are going to have an Yummy Ramadan this year.

Allahafiz,Lubna Karim and Yasmeen.

Posted by Kitchen Flavours at 1:01 AM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ملف الحب والكراهية.....الدفء البشرى معاً،"والقلوب مع بعضها: مش سايبه فكّهْ

:الأستاذ الدكتور/يحيى الرخاوي
تكلمنا أمس عن ممارسة الحنان دون حاجة إلى تسميته كذلك، بل لعلنا – ولو بغير قصد - فضلنا عدم تسميته،

ونواصل اليوم ما هو أشمل من الحنان وهو ما أسميته "الحضن الدافئ"، وحين نرجع إلى رولوماى لاحقا سوف تجدون أن الكبار وهم يمارسون الإروس (الحب الأرقى) هم أكثر احتياجا من الأطفال لهذا الدفء البشرى المحيط، هذا لمن استطاع أن يحافظ على طفولته فيه.. ولمن لم يستطع أيضا

الحضن الدافئ
نفسى لمسةْْ من إيديكْ
نفسى أدفنْ راسى فيكْ
نفسى أطـَّـمِـنْ عليك
نفسى انام جوّا عيِنيِكْ

نفسى فى حضنِك يدَفِيِّنِى وانا باتغطى بيهْ
بس مش عايزُهْ يخبينى، ولا أختفى فيهْ

يحتوينى، وانا برضه أحتويهْ،
لا انا باشحتْ، ولاَ انتَ بتشتريهْ.
دا العيال بيقولوا بدرى: إحنا أْوْلىَ
إحنا مش عايزين "كلام حُب" علاوْلَهً
إحنا تكفينا الإشارة
لمسة حلوة تغنى عن مليون عبارة
"آنا مش عايز أمَارَة!

لمسة بتقول انّ انا مش بس بينكمْ
لأ، دانا عايش بروحى فيكو، منكمْ

برضه من حقى أكون نَفْسى : وحيد
بس مش بالغيك، ما هو انت مش بعيد
.... حبّة حبّة
...... يحتوينا الحضن قُــبّه

حضن كل الناس خيمتنا وأمْـنِـنَـا
حضننا لو صَح يوصل لمّا عند ربنا

كده نضمن لو خـِلى واحد بنا
مش حانغرق وسط دوّامة الضياع والمسكنة
لو حمانا حضنكم حبهْ كُتاَر
حضنكو الدافى اللى مش لهاليب ونار،
حضن يحمى، بس يسمح،
حضن بيطـمـَِـن، ويمنح:
فرصة للى بِـدُّه يسرح
إنه يلعب- يجرى- يشطح
وامّا يرجع يلتقيه ما زْعلشى منّهْ
ماهو لمّا راح ما كانشى غصب عنّـه

تبقى حركة،
مش كلبشات خانقة ماسكهْ
والقلوب مع بعضها، مش سايبة فـكّهْ

لو كده: نكبر ونعملها: نطير
كل واحد يبقى ناس حلوة كتير
بس يتريس عليهم حدّ منهم
بالتبادل والسماح مش غصب عنهم.

تفضل الحركة كده جوه وبرّه
بس يتغير رئيسها كل مرة

لمْ يبطـّـل إنه يدخل ثمّ يطلعْ
يبقى آمِن، قومْ يهدّى اللعب، مش محتاج يبرطع.
تبقى رحلة حركة دايمة مِـالـّلى هيـّـهْ
لمّا نسمح إننا نِصْغَرْ شويةْ
لاجل ما نكبر كما شجرة عفية
اتروت: حُـب وميّة

أبعاد أخرى:
هذه الأغنية، تؤكد معظم ما سبق ذكره أمس من أبعاد الحركية والمسافة والتحديد، وتضيف أخرى:
أولا: الثقة الأساسية متبادلة
تشيع عادة، وحتى فى النظريات النفسية التقليدية، أن حاجة الطفل الأساسية هى أن يطمئن إلى من يحتويه، إلى سند يلجأ إليه، ليكون القاعدة التى ينطلق منها ليعود إليها، هذا صحيح، لكنه لا يبرر ألا نعطى اهتماما كافيا لدور المتلقى (الطفل أو غير الطفل) فى دوره فى المشاركة فى أن ثمَّ تبادلا جاريا هو الذى يحافظ على الحركة، فبقدر ما يحتاج الطفل (فينا) إلى أن يطمئن إلى القبول، يحتاج مصدر الثقة (الأم أو الكبير أو المحبوب) إلى أن تصله رسالة من المتلقى أنه تلقّى، وأنه قادر على تبادل الثقة.
إن أى رسالة من جانب واحد هى مبتورة، صحيح أننا عادة لا نلاحظها لكن الأم تكتسب الثقة من طفلها كما يكتسب هو الثقة من احاطتها، هذه الثقة المتبادلة هى التى تحفز أكبر قدر من الشجاعة للدخول دون خوف من التلاشى، وأيضا هى تغنى عن استجداء العواطف، أو شرائها بمقابل بخس أو مشبوه

نفسى أطـَّـمِـنْ عليك
نفسى انام جوّا عيِنيِكْ

نفسى فى حضنِك يدَفِيِّنِى وانا باتغطى بيهْ
بس مش عايزُهْ يخبينى، ولا أختفى فيهْ

يحتوينى، وانا برضه أحتويهْ،
لا انا باشحتْ، ولاَ إنتَ بتشتريهْ.

ثانيا: الإفراط فى التعبير بالألفاظ وما أشبه
شفرة العلاقات المتبادلة هى عادة شديدة القصر، فائقة الاختراق،
ولعل إشكالية سجن عاطفة ما فى ما "تسمى به" لا يقتصر على خنقها أو اختزالها، بل إنه قد يمتد إلى

"امتهانها وتشويهها"

دا العيال بيقولوا بدرى: إحنا أْوْلىَ
إحنا مش عايزين "كلام حُب" علاوْلَهً
إحنا تكفينا الإشارة
لمسة حلوة تغنى عن مليون عبارة
"آنا مش عايز أمَارَة!

لمسة بتقول انّ انا مش بس بينكمْ
لأ، دانا عايش بروحى فيكو، منكمْ

ثالثا: الحق فى الوحدة مع وجود الآخر

To be alone with

برضه من حقى أكون "نفسى" : وحيد
بس مش بالغيك، ما هو انت مش بعيدْ

كثيرا ما يشاع أن الوحدة هى شىء مرفوض طول الوقت، وأن الشخص الذى يمارس وحدته هو شخص انطوائى منغلق ... إلخ.
هذا غير صحيح.
إن قبول الوحدة المرحلية (الحركية) هو جزء لا يتجزأ من "برنامج الدخول والخروج" ، هو أمر طبيعى بل و صحى فى حدود دورها فى الحفاظ على العلاقات الإنسانية: مرنة ومتحركة كما أشرنا.
إن الانتقال من الذات إلى الآخر وبالعكس، فى التوقيت المناسب، يزيد من فرص التعرف على هذا الآخر تعرفا متجددا باستمرار، وهو أيضا يعفى الذات من الاختناق بحضور الآخر محيطا طول الوقت. إن هذا الحق فى الوحدة قد يكون ألزم فى العلاقات الزوجية (كمثال).
تاريخ التطور يجسد لنا فائدة الانسحاب إلى البيات الشتوى فى كثير من الأحياء بما يحافظ على حيوية واستمرارية التجدد البيولوجى والتطور والحياة.

رابعا: القاسم المشترك الأبقى

حبّة حبّة، يحتوينا الحضن قُــبّه.
حضن كل الناس خيمتنا وأمْـنِـنَـا. حضننا لو صح يوصل لمّا عند ربنا، كده نضمن لو خـِلى واحد بنا، مش حانغرق وسط دوّامة الضياع والمسكنة

التهديد الحقيقى لتشويه أو إفشال العلاقات البشرية هو أن تقتصر على اثنين بمعنى الاحتكار والاستبعاد لكل من هو خارج هذه الدائرة المغلقة بين اثنين. إن الفرق بين القدرة على الحب، وبين حالة الحب، هو الفرق بين المولد الكهربى، والبطارية. المولد الكهربائى يصدر طاقة فياضة تتجدد بالحركة، أما البطارية فهى تفرغ بالاستعمال ما لم يغذيها المولد باستمرار. الذى يحافظ على الحب الثنائى هو أن يكون ممثلا للقدرة على الحب، وليس احتكارا لفعل الحب، وهى قدرة تمتد عبر كل الناس إلى الحق عز وجل الذى خلقنا ليتوجه كل من موقعه إليه عبر الناس. هذا هو ما أسميته القاسم المشترك الأبقى، وهو الذى يحمى المحب ضد مفاجآت التخلى، يحميه من الضياع، مثلما يحميه من مذلة الاستجداء.

خامسا: السماح ودرجة الدفء

لو حمَانا حبكم حبّه كتار، حضنكو الدافى اللى مش لهاليب ونار، حضن يحمى، بس يسمح، حضن بيطـمـَِـن، ويمنح: فرصة للى بِـدُّه يسرح. إنه يلعب- يجرى- يشطح. وامّا يرجع يلتقيه ما زْعلشى منّهْ. ما هو لمّا "راح" ما كانشى غصب عنّـه.
تبقى حركة،
مش كلبشات خانقة ماسكهْ
والقلوب مع بعضها، مش سايبة فـكّهْ

مع دوامية الحركة، يجرى السماح تحت مظلة من الثقة والطمأنينة المتبادلة، حتى لو أدى هذا السماح أحيانا لما يبدو شطحا.
السماح يواكب درجة حرارة الحنان التى كلما كانت مناسبة، كانت فرص النمو أكبر.
الدفء المناسب المتقطع هو الذى يجعل بيض الطيور يفقس، لو زادت درجة حرارة الاحتضان حتى اللهيب،أو زادت مدته حتى الاختناق، انسلق البيض أو فسد دون فقس، وقد اشرنا أمس إلى أهمية، بل حتمية، حركية الذهاب والعودة، سواء بنموذج برنامج الدخول والخروج، أو بحركية الاختفاء فالظهور، هذا هو الذى يجعل الترك أمرا طبيعيا، والعودة دائما متوقعة.

أخيرا: التعدد والواحدية

لو كده: نكبر ونعملها: نطير، كل واحد يبقى ناس حلوة كتير، بس يتريس عليهم حدّ منهم، بالتبادل والسماح مش غصب عنهم. تفضل الحركة كده جوه وبرّه، بس يتغير رئيسها كل مرة. لمْ يبطـّـل إنه يدخل ثمّ يطلعْ، يبقى آمِنْ، قومْ يهدّى اللعب، مش محتاج يبرطع.

نكتفى هنا – مؤقتا - أن نشير إلى أن حركية العلاقات وتبادلها وحيويتها وتجددها، كل ذلك يتيح فرصة لمستويات الوعى المختلفة أن تتشكل وتتبادل بكثرة قابلة للجمع تحت قيادة واحد منها، لكن فى لحظة بذاتها: لا يوجد إلا قائد واحد هو الذى يدير الدفة حسب التوجه المناسب للموقف والمهمة، ثم تتبادل المستويات القيادة، مثل تبادل النوم واليقظة. وهذا موضوع سبق أن طرقناه (أنا واحد ولا كتير رقم 5 من سلسلة الإنسان "تتحرك كياناتنا الحية، فنعيد تشكيلها: فنبدع!" ونشرت فى روز اليوسف بتاريخ 3-2-2006)
يحتاج إلى عودة مستقلة.

Milk The Deadly Poison WATCH THIS!!!

No milk for me plz!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recycling a Milk Jug

We have a couple of milk jugs hanging around the usual dear hubby wants them out ...while I see them as an artistic opputunity so I started googling "milk jug craft" & I got tons of great ideas...

Here are the ones that caught my eye

Elmer Elephant:

The 1st one I like so much & it's pretty easy...all it needs is some elmer's glue, googly eyes & scrap paper

Milk Jug Animal Craft
Follow the directions below to create a mouse milk jug animal. Use your imagination to make your own favorite animal. You can create silly features using paper rolls, chenille stems, pom-poms, or yarn.

What You'll Need:
Plastic milk jug
Scissors or craft knife
Permanent markers
Craft glue
Black pom-pom
Scraps of pink and gray felt
Poster board or cardboard

How to make a milk jug animal craft:

Step 1: Draw a cut-line on the jug as shown. Then, cut out the top part of the jug. Leave the handle on to carry your container.

Step 2: Draw on the mouse's eyes and whiskers. Glue on a black pom-pom for the nose.

Step 3: Cut two small semicircles from a scrap of pink felt. Glue one on each ear. Cut a long tail from the gray felt, and glue it to the back of the jug at the bottom.

Step 4: Draw paws on a piece of poster board, and have an adult cut them out. Glue the paws to the bottom of the jug.

Milk Jug Garage

Materials Needed:
Plastic 1-gallon milk jug
Craft knife
Construction paper
Black marker
Thread spool

First, cut a 3 1/2-inch-square garage door opening in one of the container's flat sides with a craft knife (parent's job only). Glue construction paper roof shingles around the top of the jug. Next, add a business sign, made out of construction paper and hung on a toothpick. Poke the toothpick into the jug just above the garage door.To make a floor, set the jug on a piece of cardboard and trace around the base. Trim the edges so it will slide easily through the doorway. Decorate by gluing on construction paper tiles.Glue on a construction paper fuel pump and air hose by poking a hole in the side of the jug and tying on a piece of string. A thread-spool car lift finishes of the interior.

Pine Needle and Milk Jug Bird House

Materials Needed:
Pine Needles
Yarn or Hot Glue
Milk Jug
Non-Washable Paint or Permanent Markers Instructions:Cut a hole in the side of the milk jug, big enough for a bird.
Paint or color the jug keeping in mind that some of it will be covered by the pine needles.
Select what type of pine needles you are going to work with and how much of the jug you want to cover. You will have to then decide if you want to use hot glue or yarn.
We used yarn on ours and tied it really tightly! My daughter used loose bundles of pine needles and wraped each with yarn tighly, I used full bundles that were not bigger than my jug and wrapped each around the jug and needles tighly.
Put it outside for the birds to enjoy!

Planting Seeds: a Preschool Science Experiment and Craft Project Rolled into One

Before outlining the steps that you can take to do this preschool activity with your child, it is important to point out that you do have a number of different options. A few of these options are highlighted below, so no matter how much time you have to devote to planting seeds indoors with your child, you should be able to do this activity.

Easy Approach

Supplies Needed:



Styrofoam Cup

Paint or MarkersWhat

You Will Need to Do:

(1)Have your child decorate their styrofoam cup, either with paint or markers. Stickers and glitter can also be added. Let dry.

(2)Let your child add soil to the cup. They can either use their hands or another foam cup to make the transfer.

(3)Have your child sprinkle a few seeds in the cup.

(4)Add a little bit more soil to the top.

(5)Add a small amount of water and place by a window.

Harder, But More Creative ApproachS

upplies Needed:

Milk Jug


Construction Paper


Popsicle Sticks

Paint or Markers



What You Will Need to Do:

(1)Cut a milk jug container. Leave the bottom portion and have it be about five or so inches tall.

(2)Have your child glue half a piece of construction paper. Wrap the glued part around the milk jug. Two pieces of paper may be needed. Tape can also be added for reinforcement.

(3)Cut the excess construction paper off, but leave a little bit on for décor purposes. Scrapbooking scissors can create a unique design.

(4)Have your child either paint or color popsicle sticks with markers.

(5)Glue the popsicle sticks to the side of the milk jug. Your child can put as many or as little as they want on each side.

(6)Add the soil.

(7)Add the seeds.

Milk Jug Easter Basket — A great Easter Craft for Kids

Here is a great Easter craft for children to make other than Easter eggs. Children will have a great time with this art project, that allows them to create their very own Easter Bunny Basket. Mine have done this for years and each year they figure out different ways to decorate their easter basket.

What you need
1 clean milk jug with it’s lid
1 bag of cotton balls,
construction paper (white, pink, and black) , white glue, and 2 googly eyeballs (optional)

What you do
Stand your milk jug upright and cut a hole just above the handle. This hole must be large enough for your hand to fit inside of it.
Cover your jug with glue and then cover with cotton balls. To avoid rough edges on the opening of the jug, take each cotton ball and glue half of one on to the inside and then wrap it over the cut edge.
Glue 2-3 cotton balls on the end of the milk jug lid for it’s tail.
Take and cut out two sets of bunny ears one large set out of white construction paper and one slightly smaller set out of pink. Glue the ears to the top of the Basket so they can stand up. Cut out whiskers, nose, & eyes (could use googly eyes or makers) out of construction paper.
Add Easter grass to the inside of the basket and have an Easter Egg Hunt

Harriet the Heifer

You can download the instructions as a PDF file HERE

& there's always the milk-jug chandeliers for the truely artistic:

So What do u all think??

Monday, August 18, 2008

Diet for a New America part 8 (final)

Diet for a New America part 7

Diet for a New America part 5

Diet for a New America part 6

Diet for a New America part 4

Diet for a New America part 3

Diet For a New America Part 1

Diet For a New America Part 2


Sobhan Allah yesterday I was browsing through one of my favourite sites

"بيت الشفاء"

& I found a broadcast by Mariam Nour, I consider Mariam one of the most influential women I have ever heard.masha Allah she has guts & she has passion for what she does.

It was a TV interview with "Orbit" on this show

She mentioned John Robbins "A Diet for A New America" & alhamdu Lelah I found the whole video on You tube.

The videos are very iformative & got me thinking about my own diet & of course my family's diet as well.Frankly speaking I've been doing a very lousy job.

I'll be posting the videos here ....& hopefully I'll start building a new menue for my family based around grains & veggies.

In sha Allah....

Is your ego involved?

"There is no room for God in him who is full of himself."
-- Hasidic saying

On the spiritual path, we must be diligent to discriminate whether we are acting from ego or from soul. If ego is in charge, what we do is self-referencing. At the deepest levels, we are motivated by our own self-interest. We’re looking out for ourselves more than for others.
Although soul works through individuals, its focus is on the needs of others and on service to humanity.

“Do not feed your ego and your problems, with your attention. ...Slowly, surely, the ego will lose weight, until one fine day it will be nothing but a thin ghost of its former self. You will be able to see right through it, to the divine presence that shines in each of us.”
-- Eknath Easwaran

"Why aren't you happy? It's because ninety-nine percent of everything you do, and think, and say, is for yourself -- and there isn't one."
-- Wu Wei Wu

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Miss universe

I got these pics from sister ANGE's blog hegab-rehab

Both ladies are from Muslim countries & well I have 2 DDs & these pics really make me very mad...

as a woman I feel it degrades all women to just pretty little dols for men's pleasure...

as a muslim it goes against modesty ordered by Allah to both & women

& finally as an Egyptian...we don't go around the streets of Cairo wearing bikinis & hot shorts!!!

These pics definetly send the wrong messege to women & girls....
It's like telling them"you will never be more than a little sex toy for our pleasure"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I will pay special attention to the people in my life today

We honor the spirit in other people when we listen to them.

God's messages surround us.

The 24 hours before us are special, never to be repeated. The people we share the day with carry our lessons within their words and actions. Let's be vigilant in our attempts to listen.

We have so much to learn, and that's why we're here. Our lives have purpose, even though we might fail to grasp it. Remembering that God is trying to reach us in even the most mundane of circumstances keeps us attentive to everyone in our lives. Our attention to others triggers their lessons too.

The cycle is never-ending. We are not here by accident - we are here by design. The role addiction plays in our lives is part of the design. We can learn our lessons and fulfill our purpose only by acknowledging the spirit, the presence of God, within each person God has ushered to us.

I will pay special attention to the people in my life today. It's a wonderful feeling knowing they are part of God's plan for me.

You are reading from the book:A Life of My Own by Karen Casey

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pasta & Tuna Salad

This is what we ate for lunch today...a simple ,quick yet very tastey & versatile....

I just boiled some frozen mixed veggies

& I added some spiral pasta (this is what my kids like) to the pot & let it cook Al dante...

then I added 2 cans of tuna

& then added anything else I have in the fridge......

& this is why this salad never tastes the same...; )

so today I added chopped olives

Chopped peppers

& chopped red tomatoes

& voila lunch is served.......