Thursday, May 29, 2008

Art Class

My Kiddos have been going to an art class at the library....

This is a pic of them doing a masjid with clay ...their teacher took the design from this coloring book "كان زمان-مناظر مصرية"

At the Dentist

My Girls just love taking pictures with my mobile's camera`sometimes they take some interesting the ones above....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been the fool for so long...
I have to admitt that's it's one of my weaknesses....I just loooooove to focus on what others are doing wrong....really it's much easier than trying to change myself ....
Focusing on me hurts....& trying to improve myself is ....ouch!!
Alhamdu lelah I'm trying my best to change & improve to be a better human being insha Allah

Monday, May 26, 2008

النورس العجوز

النورس العجوز

أ.د. يحيى الرخاوي
أنهكًنـِى ‏التحليُق‏ ‏فى ‏سمائِها‏ ‏اللعوبْ
أنهكنِى ‏نجاحِىَ ‏الدؤوب
وصخرتِى ‏تودّع‏ ‏الصلابهْ ‏
‏ ‏لكنّها‏ ‏لا‏ ‏تنكسر
أريدُ‏ ‏والدى
أريده‏ ‏يحول‏ ‏بينها‏ ‏وبينى ‏
أرُيد‏ ‏سجَّانا‏ ‏يفك‏ ‏قيدى، ‏
‏ ‏إذ‏ ‏يُِِـحكم‏ ‏الأقفَال‏ ‏لا‏ ‏أضيعُ‏ ‏حرّا
أريد‏ ‏أن‏ ‏أنام‏ ‏فى ‏حضن‏ ‏التى ‏ترانى:‏
‏كما‏ ‏أنا‏ ‏
‏ ‏فرخًا‏ ‏صغيرا‏ًً ‏لائذا‏ًًًً ‏بعُشـَّـهِ
لا‏ ‏فى ‏الأعالى ‏حيث‏ ‏يحسَبُون‏ ‏
لم‏ ‏ينمُ‏ ‏بعدُ‏ ‏ريشُهُ‏ ‏فلم‏ ‏يَطِر‏ ‏أصلا‏ًً ‏
فكيف‏ ‏تبحثون‏ ‏عنه‏ ‏فى ‏السماء‏ ‏أيها‏ ‏القساهْ
أريد مَنْ ترانى فاتحا منقارىَ الطرىّ
القُطُ من منقارها الحنانَ والأمانَ الحياهْ
أريد أنطوى تحت الجناحْ
أعبر الفيافى دون أن أحلّقْ

أريد‏ ‏خيزرانة
تفيقنى: ‏أرى ‏بها‏ ‏حدودي
أريد‏ ‏جلادا‏ ‏يحول‏ ‏دون‏ ‏قَتلي
‏‏يأبى ‏أضيعُ‏ ‏وسْـطَ‏ ‏وهم‏ ‏ذاتِـى
لا‏ ‏تضحكوا‏ ‏على ‏طفل‏ٍٍ ‏غريرٍ‏ ‏صدّق‏ ‏الأكذوبهْ
لا‏ ‏تخدعوه‏ ‏تتركوه‏ُُ ‏فى ‏سمائها‏،‏
والخيط‏ ‏فى ‏أيديكُمُو‏ ‏كأنه‏ ‏المشانقُ‏ ‏الخفيّة‏.‏
‏ ‏لا‏ ‏تزعموا‏ ‏بأنه‏ "أرادْ"
قد‏ ‏أنهكتْـهُ‏ ‏لــُـعبة‏ ‏الصعودِ‏، ‏والسراب‏ُُ ‏يسبقهْ‏،‏
يغمرُه‏ ‏الدُّوار‏، ‏والفراغُ‏ ‏يخنُـقهْ
قد‏ ‏آن‏ ‏أن‏ ‏يحُطَّ‏ ‏فوق‏ ‏أرضكمْ‏- ‏
‏لا‏ ‏ترجموهُ‏ ‏كهلا‏.‏
إنْ حَطّ ‏تدفنوه‏ ‏دون‏ ‏معـزَى،‏
تأكله‏ ‏الديدان‏ ‏وهو‏ ‏بعدُ‏ ‏حيّا‏.‏
لا‏ ‏لن‏ ‏يعودْ
أسنة‏ ‏الرماح‏ ‏مُشرعة
تملأ‏ ‏وجه‏ ‏الأرض‏ ‏والقلوب
لم‏ ‏يبق‏ ‏إلا‏ ‏أن‏ ‏يظلّ‏ ‏فوق‏ ‏الفوق‏ ‏ضائعا
‏‏وكلُّ‏ ‏ما‏ ‏يشُدّه‏ ‏يذوبْ
فتختفى ‏السماء‏ُُ ‏فى ‏الضياءْ
ويختفى ‏الضياُء‏ ‏فى ‏الغروبْ
يتوه‏ ‏فى ‏دوائرِ‏ ‏الصباح‏ ‏والمساءْ
‏ ‏يواصلُ‏ ‏التحليقَ‏ ‏صاعدا‏ ‏معانِدا
‏ما‏ ‏عاد‏ ‏يسـتطيع‏ ‏
‏ ‏ما‏ ‏عاد‏ ‏يستـطيع

الإسكندرية: 23/5/ 1996‏

Friday, May 23, 2008

3 Day Retreat

I just came back from a 2 day trip to what I'll choose to call
"retreat" It was actually a course I'm taking in wady ..............
The place is amazinly isolated i was away from all the regular mayhem...for 3DAYS....& It was .....WOW....
I came back more focused & with a plan...
I'm also more enlightened ..
Sobhan Allah .....Allah has his ways with me ...Keeps sending me all these signs & his presence is overwhelming....
I'm really moving & spinning & I love it..


دي الساقية اللي جنبنا طبعا هيا معمولة صاج ....مش خشب...لكن مريحة بشكل لما أعدي عليها و هيا شغالة

Thursday, May 22, 2008

25 Rules of Being Close To Allah SWT

1.Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking upSupplications) , thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.
2. Put Allah first in your life.
3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran everyday, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up abooklet having supplications and read them.
4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).
5. If someone says something mean ;to you, just shrug it off anddismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shallforgive them.
6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthlesslife is to waste in being Angry.
7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you canhave few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of yourcreation (i.e. live for Allah).
8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others.Thank Allah for that, and pray its continuation.
9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just thinkthat it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,andthank Allah that it's not worse than it is.
10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding apoor person, or caressing an orphan's head.
11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus workFor it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves.
12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.
13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way youwill ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him(those who are enemies of Him).
14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you thinkthat what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintainsilence (this is tough!!).
15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, givetime to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watchthat He is watching you.
16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allahto guide them to the right path.
17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey butstop at Allah's orders.
18.Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to himor her and you are rewarded.
19. Forgive, forget and smile.
20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beingswith feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears whenremembering Allah.
21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise youractions and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignoreand remember how the Prophet (SAAW) and the Sahaba were criticized,made fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience.
22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completingit as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read withobserving not just passing your eyes through the words.
23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and youmay lose from it more than gain.
24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be betterthan you.
25. Send this to every person with the intention of having a healthysociety living for Allah and pray.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

[ حلى الأوريو ]

المقادير :


علبة نستله المحلى كبير

6 حبات جبن كيري

شكولاته سايله = الهيرشي

2 قشطه

ظرف دريم ويب

* أول شيء الكيك اذا حابه تسوينه انتي يكون بالشوكولاته او جاهزه زي كيكة [أمريكانا] .. انا سويتها بالكيك الجاهز ..ثم نقطعه

ثم نصفها بالقالب [كما هو موضح بالصورة] ..

في الخلاااط نحط علبة كبيره حليب نستله المركز 6 حبات جبن كيري وبعدين نحط الخليط على 12 حبه بسكوت اوريو تكونين كسرتيها ويفضل بسكوت اوريو الغامق ..
ثم نضع الشوكولاته السائل فوقهم [كما هو موضح بالصورة] ..مثل الهيرشي ...
نصب الخليط فوق الكيك المرصوص وندخله بالثلاجة إلى أن نعمل الطبقه الثالثه [كما هو موضح بالصورة] ..
الطبقه الثالثه عباره عن علبتين قشطة وظرف دريم ويب نخلطهونصبه فوق الخلطة الثانيه [كما هو موضح بالصورة[ملاحظه] يجب أن تكون الطبقة الثانية متماسكة ..ندخله بالثلاجة الى ان تتماسك الطبقة الأولى بالطبقة الثانية بالثالثة ..يوضع في صحن التقديم ونزينه بحبات الأوريو والهيرشي [كما هو موضح بالصورة] ..

ويُقطّع بترتيب ويقماممممممممممممممممماممممممممممممممممممممممم

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Play Dough Snails

A few days ago we were enjoying a very nice sticker book that teaches colors & counting.

On one of the pages there was a pic of some snails made with play dough.

We have alot of play dough on hand so we decided to make some snails...I even made one....
had alot of fun doing those.....

Our 1st lego

I'm so excited we just finished our 1st Lego....

It was so much fun..

It brought back so many memories of my brother & me playing with our Lego city.....we spent so many hours amking houses & driving cars through our city.....
my DDs enjoyed building their 1st house.

Egypt project

This is a project my oldest bent made.....

This is how this project evolved...

On my way back home from work ,I stopped at the stationary & bought them some art supplies. I like to get them huge construction paper it's pretty cheap & they get so excited when I bring it home.
My youngest did some magnificant scissors work on her peice as usual.
My oldest decided she needed to do a project.She has an atlas sticker book.Apparently she enjoyed the book so much she decided to cut out all the little flags that came with
She started by glueing all the little flags to the borders of the paper.
I asked her to pick a flag & do more on that country ....she decided to work on Egypt of course.....
She drew a larger flag & colored it & then we looked at some books I have & she decided to draw the sphinx .I printed some pharoenic images from the web .She colored,cut & glued those too.
She wanted a picture of a .....Sa2ia......I think it's called a water mill or something I have no idea.....but i couldn't find any .She tried to draw one ......
We're really so proud of her creation..masha Allah

Create a Picnic Kit

>>>>>>It's official, the picnic season is upon us. Following a few simple tips, you will have the ability for a spur of the moment picnic. Putting a kit together is very simple and will save time when the thought occurs!

Carrier: Choose a deep, lined wicker basket or even a deep clean, sturdy cardboard box. I have even found that those $5 plastic containers with a lid from Wal-Mart work wonderflly and are a great place to keep your supplies together.

Contents: Include a bright colored plates, cups, eating utensils and napkins that can be washed instead of the disposable type. A plastic tablecloth and an old bedspread or blanket can provide a table or cover the ground. I always buy supplies at the end of the season for the next season to say a few bucks.

Food Containers: For keeping food hot or cold, choose an assortment of vacuum bottles and wide-mouthed jars that suit your family's needs, and will fit into your picnic kit.

Coolers: Store them with the picnic kit so everything is right where you need it. Keep reusable ice blocks frozen in the freezer. I have found that empty 32 oz. soda bottles frozen 3/4 of the way with water work well and are inexpensive. The frozen bottles alsoprovide cold water on a picnic.

Odds and Ends: Having a sharp knife with sleeve (Pampered Chef has great self-sharping knife with plastic cover that work great), matches, bottle and can openers, salt and pepper shakers, flashlight, and paper towel in your kit are a must. You may also want to include bug spray (stored in a plastic bag), and a simple first aid kit. Freeze wet sponges in plastic bags for extra ice packs and re-use for clean up. For easy salt and pepper shakers, fill plastic straws and tape the ends for easy mess free travel.

Food and Drinks: Remember that coolers are designed to keep cold food cold and hot food hot. Do not use the same container for both. At our house we have one small cooler that is red for hot food and a blue cooler for cold items.

Cooking: If you are using a charcoal grill, remember charcoal briquettes, pot holders, cooking utensils, and platters for after the food is cooked. Never put cooked food back onto the same plate where the raw food was.

Protective Gear: Take clothing appropriate for the outing. Include sunscreen, lotions, hats and cover up clothing. I also bring along warm clothing for at night, it will seem much colder out after spending a day in the sun.

Fun Stuff: Bring along things that interest your family. Balls, kites, Frisbees, fishing poles, and towels for the beach.Clean-up: Pack moist towelettes or dampened towels in plastic bags for

clean up. Never leave your picnic area dirty, keep it clean for the next family.

Great Recipes for your Picnic

Citrus Cooler

1 (6 oz.) can of frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed

1 (6 oz) can of frozen limeade concentrate, thawed


6 pint-size zipper freezer bags

1 lemon sliced

1 lime sliced

6 straws

In large pitcher, combine juice concentrate. Add water as directed on the cans; stir. Pour into 6 small zipper freezer bags. Add lemon and lime slices to each. Seal tightly; freeze overnight or until firm. Thaw 2-3 hours until slightly slushy before serving. Insert straw to drink.These are great take for taking along on a picnic or a summer party for the kids.

Huge Picnic SandwichBread

2 8 1/2 inch bakery focaccia bread

Filling:1/2 cup creamy Italian salad dressing

6-8 lettuce leaves

1/2 cucumber sliced thinly

1/2 green pepper sliced thinly

2 red onion slices, separated into rings

4 slices of American cheese

4oz salami

tomato sliced.

Spread half the of the dressing on the bottom half; top with half of the lettuce leaves. Layer cucumber, green pepper, onion, cheese, meats and tomato. Top with remaining lettuce. Spread remaining dressing on top half of the bread; replace and cut. Serves 4-6

Strawberry Shortcake Kabobs

12 medium strawberries

12 donut holes

6 8 inch bamboo skewers

1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

2 tablespoons margarine or butter

Alternately thread 2 strawberries and 2 donut holes on each skewer. In small saucepan, melt chocolate chips and butter.; blend well. Drizzle chocolate mixture over strawberries and donut holes. Refrigerate till set. Makes 6

Benefits of Soft Drinks

I'm trying to eliminate all artificial sweetners,artificial colors,soft drinks,ships & anything that is overprocessed.......

With 2 little kids this is not very easy .....& to be honest with myself I have my issues with food.I'm over weight & I'm a food junkie myself....I spent many nights infront of the VCR eating salted Lays & drinking 7 up & merinda.

All this changed after I heard Mariam Noor for the 1st time"but that's another post"

Anyways here is what I found about the "benefits" of Soda.....

Actually they have so many usefull uses such as:
Cleaning your dirty toilet bowl "this one grosses my oldest & will stop her from craving soda for a few days "
Removing rust spots from chrome
Getting gum out of your hair
Getting rid of skunk odor
Cleaning grout

& my #1 favourite & not for the faint of heart: ta ta da da.........

If you have a problem with mice or rats, one way to get rid of them is with soda pop.


Mice and rats lack the ability to burp. You can use this to your advantage. Simply pour Pepsi or Coke into a shallow dish, and place the dish near where the mice or rats are entering your home. The rodents will drink the sweet soft drink and later, when they can't burp, they will die.
Right next to walls usually works best for any type of bait or traps, as does under sinks, where they may like to hide out, or underneath your stove.
As the carbonation only lasts just so long, you will need to keep that in mind and refill your dish accordingly. Try putting a new dish down each night before bed.
Sources: April 28, 2008

So next time my DD asks for a soda i think I'm sharing this new piece of info with her..

Monday, May 12, 2008

Video jug

Just discovered this website ....It provides educational videos ....& what's wonderful is that it's categorized.
I'm a very visual person so I had alot of fun watching the videos.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

سندريللا و زينب هانم خاتون

This is one of my little girls favourite stories ..

A cinderella story with a twist .....she goes to high school,lives with her mom,cleans for mom,& actually meets a prince who cares that she has a brain...
My youngest wants me to read it to her every night..
They laugh at parts of the story & I'm amazed that they even find it funny...Sobhan Allah
Rewritten by the famous "Abd El Wahhab El Meseri"
I found the following on Islam online on his efforts to rewrite the classics:
المسيري يدخل إلى قصص الأطفال .. ليغيرها
منى درويش
سندريللا تركب مترو الأنفاق، والذئب لم يعد مكارًا! منذ أجيال ونحن نقص على الأطفال قصة سندريللا وقصة ذات الرداء الأحمر.تغير العالم من حولنا.. وتسارعت خطاه.. ونضج الأطفال في زمن الألعاب الإلكترونية والإنترنت؛ وما زلنا نقص عليهم أن الذئب المكار أراد أكل ذات الرداء الأحمر وجدتها! وأن سندريللا كانت خادمة في بيت زوجة أبيها الشريرة وبناتها القبيحات. هل عالم القصص عالم مغلق بمفاتيح لا نستطيع أن نتسلل إليه؟ماذا لو أردنا أن نشاغب وفتحنا عالم القصص والحكايات وغيرنا الحكايات لتناسب أطفال هذا الزمان، بل ونجعلهم شخصيات داخل القصص ذاتها؟ أ. د. عبد الوهاب المسيري فعل ذلك، وفاز بجائزة سوزان مبارك لأدب الطفل في مصر قبل أن ينتهي عام 1999 بأيام قليلة. لماذا وكيف؟ هذا ما حاولنا أن نعرفه في هذا الحوار المباشر معه. د. عبد الوهاب المسيري أستاذ موسوعي له كتابات فلسفية ونظرية بارزة أشهرها موسوعة اليهود واليهودية التي فازت بجوائز عديدة، وكذلك كتابات أهمها: التحيز: رؤية معرفية، الانتفاضة الفلسطينية، الفردوس الموعود: دراسة في الحضارة الأمريكية، وغيرها من الكتب الرصينة.. فاجأ الدكتور عبد الوهاب المسيري القراء بنشر سلسلة قصص للطفل في آخر 1999 تحت عنوان "حكايات هذا الزمان"، صدر منها: "نور والذئب الشهير بالمكار" و" سندريللا وزينب هانم خاتون".
متى فكرتم في الكتابة للطفل؟
أنا أؤلف قصص للأطفال منذ السبعينيات عندما رزقني الله بأولادي نور وياسر.. نور كانت نشيطة وذكية وكثيرة الأسئلة وكذلك ياسر، وكنا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أنا وزوجتي ندرس للدكتوراه عندما ظهرت عروسة باربي، ورغم أنها لاقت إعجاب الملايين إلا أنها أصابتني بالفزع.. فباربي مخلوقة باردة، لا تشبه بنات وطني، وهي إنتاج استهلاكي لتسويق ملابسها وصورها وملصقاتها الصغيرة على حقائب المدرسة، ثم شراء أحدث اكسسواراتها.. وهكذا، وهي لا تنقل قيمة لا شرقية ولا غربية سوى قيم الاستهلاك، بل بالعكس هي مثال سيئ للنحافة الزائدة التي صار الولع بها مرضًا نفسيًا تعاني منه المراهقات ويسمى "أنوراكسيا". لذا قررت حينئذ أن أخترع شخصية تدور حولها قصص أرويها لأطفالي في الغربة تربطهم بثقافتهم وتراثهم، فكانت شخصية الجمل ظريف الذي يعيش معهم كصديق ويدخل في حياتهم وهو ككائن حيوان لكنه يخاطبهم ويعلمهم ويتعلم معهم.. بدلاً من الدب الغربي "تيدي بير" الشهير، واستلهمت شخصيته من أثر قرأته طفلاً أن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وسلم) كان جالسًا فلاذ به جمل من الذبح هاربًا وطالبًا الأمان؛ فأمَّنه الرسول (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وأنقذه.. وهي قصة لطيفة تربط عالم الحيوان بعالمنا في سياق إيماني، وقد جعلت أطفالي شخصيات في داخل القصة وبدأوا يدخلون في تأليف القصص ونسج الحكايات.
ولماذا دخلت عالم سندريللا وذات الرداء الأحمر ولم تكتف بقصص الجمل ظريف؟
قصص الجمل ظريف نشر بعضها ولكنني أردت أن أدخل إلى عالم القصص الكلاسيكية وأقدمها لطفل القرن الواحد والعشرين، فذات الرداء الأحمر تحمل في قصتي اسم نور.. وهو اسم ابنتي واسم عربي جميل، وهي لأنها تعيش في هذا الزمان فإنها تذهب لجدتها بالدراجة وتصطحب معها ياسر ونديم، وقد أضفت نديم لأنه اسم حفيدي الذي أحكي له القصص وأطورها معه، ولأنها لم تمر وفي يدها تفاح كما كان في القصة القديمة بل شاي وبرتقال لم يلحظ الذئب مرورها، ثم لاحظه بعد وهلة وناداها لكنها كانت تعرف القصة منذ البداية فهربت منه، وعندما لحق بها عند جدتها متنكرًا هجم عليه أصدقاء نور وضربوه وهزموه، ثم أعطوه بعض الطعام وأمرته الجدة أن ينظف الحديقة، ثم هرب راجعًا للغابة يكمل قصته القديمة التي ينتصر فيها رغم أن الواقع في القرن 21 أنه انهزم.. هزمه ذكاء نور وأصحابها.. وصار الشهير بالمكار لكنه لم يعد مكارًا كما كان..وأخيرًا يحمل البساط السحري نور والدراجة وأصحابها إلى المنزل.. والطفل هنا يعرف أنه لا يوجد بساط سحري لكنه يضحك ويظل البساط رمزًا يربطه بالقصص القديمة الجميلة.. وغير الواقعية..
وماذا فعلت في سندريللا؟
جعلتها مثقفة وذكية.. تذهب للحفل مع صديقتها وتستعير الفستان من صديقة لجدتها، وعندما تعود مبكرًا إلى المنزل يبحث عنها الأمير ثم يتزوجها دون أن تجرب فردة الحذاء لأنه أحبها هي وأعجبه ثقافتها وعقلها، وتختم القصة بالديك حسن الذي يحاول إضحاك الناس في حفل الزفاف.. إنها محاولة مزج الشخصيات القديمة وإدخالها في القصص الغربية التي "نلعب بها" ونغيرها لأنها ليست نصًا مقدسًا، فلا نتجاهلها ولكن نطورها وندخل عالمها برموزنا فتصبح أقرب لنا ونشعر بقدرتنا على التغيير.
ما رد فعل نور عندما كانت طفلة؟ وما رد فعل حفيدك نديم الآن؟
الأطفال في غاية الذكاء.. فهم يدركون أن هناك نصين نصًا أصليًا ونصًا جديدًا.. وهذا يشجعهم على الإبداع.. ويبتكرون، ويملكون بذلك ناصية الحكى.. ويفكرون في علاقات جديدة ويضيفون ويحذفون شخصيات.. فهذا الأسلوب يعطي حرية الإرادة للطفل ويشعره بقدرته على التخيل والمشاركة فتصبح الحكاية عملية تفاعلية ممتعة للكبير أيضًا في متابعة لخيال الطفل ومحاولة التفاعل معه.. وقد أقول أحيانًا عندما يسألني نديم عن نهاية قصة: لا أعرف.. لماذا لا نحاول أن نجد لها نهاية معًا.. ثم إذا أتى بنهاية حزينة أقول له.. لماذا لا نجعلها سعيدة بعض الشيء.. أو: حسنًا.. لكن سنستكمل الحكاية لأن هناك دائمًا أملاً في أن تتغير الظروف والأوضاع.. ويتم ذلك لاحقًا.. وهكذا.
أي أنك تصوغ قصصًا واقعية؟
إنها واقعية وخيالية في آن واحد.. كلاسيكية ومعاصرة والأهم أنها تربط الراوي بالطفل وتعطي الطفل إرادة.. وأنا أدعو الآباء لانتقاء شخصيات من التراث الأدبي أو القصص القرآني من حيوان وطير والبدء في محاولة مماثلة.. وسيجدون أنها أكثر إمتاعًا من القصص القديمة أو ترك الأطفال أمام اللعب الإلكترونية.. جربوا وسترون وسيخرج للنور إبداع رائع قد ينشره البعض، والأهم أن الآباء والأمهات سينشئون قناة تواصل جديدة وممتعة مع الأطفال.. وبالمناسبة: لقد ظللت أكتب قصص الجمل ظريف إلى أن ودع ظريف نور في طريقها لإنجلترا للحصول على الدكتوراه، ثم بدأ يدخل في "حكايات هذا الزمان".. وللأجداد متسع أن يبدأوا الآن على نفس الطريقة مع أحفادهم كما أفعل مع نديم.. إنها العلاقة الحميمية التي لا مثيل لها والحمد لله

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is it just me or is it really a bit overreacting to freak over 1st grade exams??

I just got off the phone with a mom who talked on & on about her hyperactive kid.....during our conversation she told me that on certain days..the only break the kid got during their long hours of studying was going to the bathroom...!!!


This kid is only a 7 year old 1st grader......

Ironically my DD is in 1st grade...we're atudying for her English Exam tomorrow as I type this blog entery....we are quite laid back in our approach...& I don't give a hick about grades....I'm more interested in what she realy learns & that she truely enjoys the process.

So is it just me or is this how we Egyptians react to exams & schools...True every Egyptian mom I know is taking this exam thing way over the top.....

I mean common what the kids do in KG will not be determental to their chances of going into med school..

Give me a break & plz while you're at it GET A LIFE!!!

Drinking From My Saucer

I've never made a fortuneand it's probably too late now.But I don't worry about that much,I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way,I'm reaping better than I sowed.I'm drinking from my saucer,'Cause my cup has overflowed.
I don't have a lot of riches,and sometimes the going's tough.But I've got loved ones around me,and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,and the mercies He's bestowed.I'm drinking from my saucer,'cause my cup has overflowed.
I remember times when things went wrong,My faith wore somewhat thin.But all at once the dark clouds broke, and the sun peeped through again.
So God, help me not to gripe aboutthe tough rows that I've hoed.I'm drinking from my saucer,'Cause my cup has overflowed.
If God gives me strength and courage,when the way grows steep and rough.I'll not ask for other blessings, I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,to help others bear their loads.Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,'Cause my cup has overflowed.
~ John Paul Moore ~

يد الله

من أيقن بحكمة الله ورحمته رأى يد الله تقوده الى كل خير، وتبعده عن كل أذى.

من كتاب"هكذا علمتني الحياه"
د. مصطفى السباعي



Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following

Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger

What ingredients are mothers made of ?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice
in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use
string, I think.

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like

What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My Mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty
3. They say she used to be nice.

What did Mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get
drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES
to chores?

Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a
goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than

What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power
because that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of
plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.

If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get
rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who
did it and not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the
back of her head.

Why Blog?

I've been pondering with the dicision of creating my own blog for various reasons...
I need the creative outlet & as the name of my blog suggests ,I'm mom to adorable kids but lately my life erevolved around keeping the peace here in my houshold I guess i need something to help me keep my sanity...if possible
Right now I stand at a crossroads in my life ...I'm at a place where I'm spending alot of my time & energy re-evaluating all that I do....I hope that blogging helps & not add to the problem